Future Ready Virtual Leadership Summit
January 17, 2024
11:00 AM-1:00 PM
The Future Ready Technology Leaders virtual summit is a FREE, virtual, interactive, high-quality professional learning experience for technology leaders including chief technology officers, chief information officers, and directors of technology. Technology leaders participating in this summit will learn, grow, and expand their professional practice through collaboration and networking with like-minded colleagues from across the country. The summit is designed to provide effective leadership strategies and evidence-based practices to support digital learning innovation for all students.
During the summit, attendees will discuss strategies for making the most of their ESSER funds and how to build a sustainable technology environment that meets the needs of all staff and students while working collaboratively with like-minded people from across the country.
NOTE: Due to the interactive agenda, this summit is NOT RECORDED. Please plan to attend live!
Summit Topics & Speakers
Navigating Social Media in Education
- Andrew Marcinek, Chief Digital Officer, Buckingham Browne & Nichols School, Cambridge, MA
Digital Equity and Building an Inclusive Culture
- Patricia Brown , Director of Technology Services, Ladue School District St Louis, MO
Online Safety and Security
- Dr. Tracy Daniel-Hardy, Director of Technology at Gulf Port School District, Gulfport, MS
AI Classroom Policy & Practice
- Carl Hooker, EdTech Leader & Future Ready Technology Leaders Faculty

DR. Adam Phyall,III ED.d
Director Professional Learning
All4Ed’s Future Ready Schools

A special thanks for AWS for supporting this event.