Leadership Strands

Leadership Through Role-Alike Programming

Future Ready Schools® (FRS)’s role-alike programs—Future Ready District Leaders™, Future Ready Principals™, Future Ready Technology Leaders™, Future Ready Instructional Coaches™, Future Ready Librarians®, and FutureReady School Boards—offer district and school leaders ways to leverage FRS resources, strategies, and action planning in context of their role within the school system.

Future Ready District Leaders™

invest in collaborative leadership, create a dynamic culture of innovation, lead the development and support of a vision for teaching and learning.

Future Ready Principals™

bring together students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community to share a vision for an improved learning experience.

Future Ready Technology Leaders™

support their school’s and/or district’s FRS goals through their professional practices, policies, and procedures.

Future Ready Instructional Coaches™

are essential to the continued growth and development of customized professional learning for their schools and districts.

Future Ready School Boards

provide a vital pillar for transformation in collaboration with their superintendents and district leaders and in support of the communities that they serve.

Future Ready Librarians®

support schools in transitioning to student-centered learning and identify special ways librarians can become future ready. Visit the web page for more tools and resources.