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All4Ed Flash is All4Ed’s video series on important developments in education in Washington, D.C., including implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act, funding, and oversight from the U.S. Department of Education and Congress. For more frequent updates on education news and policy, follow All4Ed on Twitter.
Featured Report
ESSA requires states to identify at least the lowest-performing 5% of Title I schools and high schools where fewer than 67% of students graduate on time to receive comprehensive support. States must also identify schools with one or more underperforming groups of students for targeted support.
But accountability systems cannot deliver on their promise to lead to meaningful improvement if those schools do not receive additional resources after they are identified. Unfortunately, in our latest report, When Equity Is Optional: Does Accountability Drive School Spending, we found that many identified schools spent less, not more, per pupil after being identified than they did before. Read our full report to learn why and what education leaders can do to ensure school identification results are reflected in school funding decisions.
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