Future Ready Schools® Invites You to a Participate in a Webinar
Elevating Open Educational Resources:
District-Scale Approaches to Openly Licensed Materials
Matt Miller, Superintendent, Mentor Public Schools (OH)
Tom Murray, Director of Innovation, Future Ready Schools®, Alliance for Excellent Education
Karen Vaites, Chief Evangelist and Community Development Officer, Open Up Resources
Please join Future Ready Schools® (FRS) for a webinar that is part of its Leadership Hub, a one-stop-shop of professional learning opportunities for school leaders.
Open educational resources (OER) may be one of the most exciting—and most misunderstood—new options for schools and districts. Nine FRS superintendents, led by Matt Miller, have even made recent efforts to debunk key myths about OER. This webinar will focus on ways that FRS districts use OER to increase districtwide access to high-quality materials, both openly licensed supplements and full course curricula.
Speakers will answer frequently asked questions about OER, including
- What in the world is OER, anyway?
- How do I know if OER materials are high quality?
- Where can I find high-quality supplements? How can districts effectively store and share them across classrooms?
- How can I learn more about openly licensed core programs?
Panelists will share case studies from districts using OER to raise the bar for teaching and learning and will address questions submitted by viewers from across the nation.
Register and submit questions for the webinar below.
Please direct questions concerning the webinar to alliance@all4ed.org. If you are unable to watch the webinar live, an archived version will be available in “Resources” of the FRS Dashboard after the event airs.
Future Ready Schools® is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education, a Washington, DC–based national policy and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.
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