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At All4Ed, we are committed to expanding equitable educational opportunities for students of color, students from low-income families, and other marginalized groups. Search our publications, podcasts, videos, webinars, and other tools to learn more about the policies and practices we promote to ensure all students graduate from high school prepared for college, work, and life. 

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A free library of photos celebrating students—and the educators who teach them—in seven schools across the United States.
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February 1, 2024

Publication | Accountability and Support, Every Student Succeeds Act, Federal Education Budget, Funding Equity

When Equity Is Optional: Does Accountability Drive School Spending? 

States should use accountability to identify and provide extra resources to struggling schools, yet many schools spent less, not more, after being identified.
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November 6, 2023

Publication | College and Career Pathways, Higher Education, State Policy Center

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

Evidence demonstrates the power of dual enrollment to increase postsecondary enrollment and completion. But it has an Achilles heel: credit transfer.
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publication | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, Congress, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

This pillar is a part of the Pathways to Progress: A Federal Roadmap for College and Career Pathways. All4Ed’s federal pathways agenda encompasses a comprehensive approach to education, addressing the needs of both learners and systems. The key policy priorities outlined for learners are essential pillars in shaping the future success of our young people. […]

publication | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, Congress, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

This pillar is a part of the Pathways to Progress: A Federal Roadmap for College and Career Pathways. The effectiveness of college and career pathways systems hinges not only on the quality of unique programs but also on how well these programs are aligned within a broader educational and workforce ecosystem. Alignment across K-12, higher […]

press_release | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, Congress, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

Today All4Ed is pleased to announce the release of its Federal Pathways Agenda – “Pathways to Progress: A Federal Roadmap for College and Career Pathways” – the first in our upcoming series on College and Career Pathways, explores access to advanced coursework.

publication | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, Congress, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

This pillar is a part of the Pathways to Progress: A Federal Roadmap for College and Career Pathways. Learners will only have access to high-quality Pathways programs if the systems that support them are sustainable, scalable, and replicable nationwide. The first critical aspect of a high-quality system is sustained funding; increased federal investment in college […]

press_release | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, Congress, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

Today All4Ed is pleased to announce the release of its Federal Pathways Agenda – “Pathways to Progress: A Federal Roadmap for College and Career Pathways” – the first in our upcoming series on College and Career Pathways, explores access to advanced coursework.

publication | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, Congress, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

This pillar is a part of the Pathways to Progress: A Federal Roadmap for College and Career Pathways. Career and college counseling can help students understand the link between academic achievement, high school, postsecondary education, and career opportunities. Counseling helps students identify their strengths, interests, and values, leading them to clear career goals and paths […]

publication | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, Congress, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

This pillar is a part of the Pathways to Progress: A Federal Roadmap for College and Career Pathways. For each young person walking the halls of their local high school, the end of their path is to a career, whether or not that path takes them through postsecondary education. All students should have career exploration […]

publication | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

This pillar is a part of the Pathways to Progress: A Federal Roadmap for College and Career Pathways. The standard curricula can be limiting for young people in high school. Though they prepare students to meet high school graduation requirements, their structures rarely emulate those of postsecondary education. As a result, schools, states, and the […]

page | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways, Congress, High Schools, Higher Education, US Department of Education

Our nation’s future is full of promise as we recognize the potential for reimagining high schools to center learners and create systems that fully support them in their educational pathways. In the evolving landscape of education, our nation’s young people are thinking about their futures differently. Today, “54% [of students] say the pandemic has changed […]

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