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Priorities for FY24 Biden-Harris Budget Request

Dear Secretary Cardona and Director Rice:

Thank you for your continued leadership in fighting for essential federal resources in response to the persistent challenges students and schools, especially those most marginalized and vulnerable, are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the Biden-Harris Administration prepares your fiscal year 2024 (FY24) budget proposal, we — the undersigned civil rights, education, and immigration organizations — write to ask you to ensure that your continued emphasis on educational equity is reflected in the policies and funding levels the administration puts forward.

This budget proposal comes at a time when the nation’s educational system is in transition. While the most acute aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic have ebbed, the need to fix the long-standing systemic flaws within our school systems that result in racial, social, and economic inequalities remains, alongside a requirement to make up for lost learning and development opportunities. The ESSER funds allocated within each COVID relief law are fundamental to ensuring states and districts are providing supports for students, educators, and families, especially those managing the effects of the pandemic and systemic oppression. There are already several positive examples of how these funds are being used in transformational ways, and we are eager to continue working with the Department as they assist states, districts, and schools as they use ESSER funds to combat the long-term effects of the pandemic.

Furthermore, students living in poverty,  students with disabilities, students learning English, students experiencing homelessness, students in the foster care system, students who are incarcerated, students who are undocumented, Black and Brown students, Native students, and students who identify as LGBTQ+ have all faced and will continue to experience additional challenges navigating and flourishing within our educational system, and need to be prioritized when putting together next year’s budget proposal. The proposals below are in response to those students experiencing, among other challenges: food insecurity, lost instructional time during the 2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-22 school years, reduced availability of student supports and education services, inequitable access to learning resources, intermittent access to high-speed home internet, and homelessness, alongside ongoing systemic racial inequities. It is paramount that you propose additional investments that will advance racial, economic, and educational equity.

To that end, we urge you to include in the Administration’s FY24 budget proposal, the following: 

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Programs:

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Programs:

McKinney-Vento Act’s Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program:

Higher Education Act (HEA) Programs:

Data, Innovation, and Connectivity Programs:

Career and Technical Education Programs:

Advancements to Funding Equity and Targeting Needs:

Resources for critical Department of Education operations:

We should remain focused on the nationwide efforts to combat the lasting effects of COVID, while also increasing our commitment to vital programs and systemic reforms. We ask that the Biden-Harris Administration’s FY24 budget proposal represent that continued commitment to students, educators, and families by including these impactful policy recommendations in the FY24 budget proposal.



Center for American Progress

Education Reform Now

Learning Policy Institute

National Center for Learning Disabilities

Teach Plus

The Education Trust

SchoolHouse Connection


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