Joint Statement from Equity-Minded Advocates on President Biden’s FY2023 Budget Request

As our nation’s children, teachers, and communities continue recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic – as well as work to overcome decades of systemic underinvestment and inequity – policymakers must both focus on maximizing the impact of existing resources while also making long term investments in a holistic approach to recovery that yields a better education for all students. Today, the Biden-Harris Administration’s FY2023 budget request takes a needed step to address the inequities that persist within our education system – especially those faced by students living in poverty, students with disabilities, students learning English, students experiencing homelessness, students in the foster care system, students who are incarcerated, students who are undocumented, Black and Brown students, Native students, and students who identify as LGBTQ+.

As equity-oriented civil rights and immigration organizations, we appreciate the Administration’s recommitment to priorities such as doubling Title I and including funding for voluntary equity reviews of existing state and local funding formulas. We also support proposed increased investments in IDEA and programs that support, expand, and diversify our educator workforce. Further, we appreciate the increase in Title III funding to support English language learners and are supportive of policies that would expand access and increase affordability for millions of college students. However, additional investments will be needed in essential ESSA programs designed to support students, including the Education for Homeless Children and Youth program.

The release of the FY2023 budget begins the annual appropriations process, which should be used to build upon existing investments in our schools and communities. Yet, to enable truly transformative system change, more must be done to provide targeted resources for many years to come. We urge Congress to take this budget request seriously and to enact these funding priorities. We look forward to working with them to do so.



Center for American Progress

Education Reform Now

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March 29, 2022

Federal Education Budget, US Department of Education

Statement from Deborah Delisle on President Biden’s New Budget Proposal

We are pleased President Biden’s budget proposal boosts spending targeted at our most underserved students and invests in programs to help make higher education more affordable and accessible for students.
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