Innovating for Equity and Excellence: Perkins V Implementation Recommendations for States

The new federal career and technical education (CTE) law, Perkins V, provides states and local communities with the opportunity to be creative in ensuring that all young people—particularly those from historically underserved groups—are considered in the implementation of the new law, and that high-quality CTE implementation is prioritized and aligned with a state’s overall vision for preparing 21st century learners.

Here we offer concrete recommendations with a focus on equity and quality as a resource to states in the development of their four-year Perkins V state plans. These recommendations were co-developed with several partners in the work, including the Center for American Progress, JFF, the Learning Policy Institute, the Linked Learning Alliance, NAF, and the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment, Inc.

Learn More About Perkins

September 27, 2018

Publication | Career and Technical Education

Perkins Career and Technical Education Primer: What’s New

All4Ed breaks down what’s new in the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V), the latest version of the Perkins Act.
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September 28, 2018

Publication | Career and Technical Education, College and Career Pathways

Perkins Career and Technical Education Primer: Linked Learning and College and Career Pathways   

All4Ed’s primer on the Perkins Act provisions that support Linked Learning and other high-quality college and career pathways in high schools.
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September 28, 2018

Publication | Accountability and Support, Career and Technical Education

Perkins Career and Technical Education Primer: Accountability

Perkins V gives states flexibility to set accountability performance levels for CTE programs, but they must prioritize historically underserved students.
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