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Adam A. Phyall III, Ed.D.

Director of Professional Learning and Leadership, All4Ed

Dr. Adam Phyall is a former high school science teacher who recently served as the Director of Technology and Media Services for Newton County School System in Covington, GA. Since Adam got his first laptop in college, he has been hooked on the fantastic things that technology can add. Early in his teaching career, Adam began having students create videos and podcasts to explain advanced science concepts. Once Adam saw the impact that technology had on learning in his classroom, he began to share his activities and strategies with his peers. This led to Dr. Phyall working as a Building Instructional Technology Leader, later as a Technology Facilitator, and as the former Director of Technology & Media Services. 

Since 2017 Dr. Phyall has worked as a Future Ready Schools as a Thought Leader and later as the Technology Leaders lead advisor. As a facilitator and panelist, Adam has supported Future Ready Schools at in-person and virtual events. Adam also co-hosts the Future Ready Schools’ “UnDisrupted” podcast with Carl Hooker. In their podcast, Adam and Carl break down many of the challenges that district-level leaders face each day.

Dr. Phyall holds an educational doctorate in Digital Transformation from Capella University, an educational specialist degree in media and instructional technology from the University of West Georgia, a master’s degree in technology integration from Walden University, and a bachelor’s degree in general science education from Tuskegee University. 

Articles by Adam A.

December 4, 2023

Blog | Collaborative Leadership, Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, Future Ready Schools, Professional Learning

“‘Tis the season to be coding,” it’s Computer Science Week!

Envision a classroom buzzing with the sound of young minds crafting their first lines of code. It's a place where ideas take digital form, where apps, games, and solutions are born.
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October 27, 2023

Blog | Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools

Guardians of the Internet: With Great Internet Comes Great Responsibility

"With great internet comes great responsibility." That is, more or less, how the saying goes. Unlike a particular mystical hammer, everyone is worthy to wield the power of the Internet. So, how can we, as educators, turn our schools into training grounds for the future Guardians of the Internet? Grab your capes; it's time to suit up!
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August 29, 2023

Blog | Data and Privacy, Future Ready Schools

Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Cyber Security and Access in K12 Schools

As the familiar hum of school buses fills the air, the excitement of a new academic year kicks in. Students return to their classrooms …
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December 8, 2022

Blog | Congress, COVID Response & Recovery, Digital Divide, Federal Communications Commission

Caught in the Homework Gap: A District Perspective on the Digital Divide

Before the pandemic started, nearly 17 million children were caught in the homework gap with no home internet access. As is too often standard, those from historically marginalized communities were most affected. One in three Black, Latinx and Indigenous families didn’t have something that most of us take for granted – high-speed internet access!
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