Think Differently About Professional Learning Creating High-Quality Personalized Professional Learning that Works

Think Differently About Professional Learning
Creating High-Quality Personalized Professional Learning that Works

Dr. Montra Rogers, Officer of Secondary Curriculum and Development, Houston ISD (TX), @montra_rogers
Dr. Joe Sanfelippo, Superintendent, Fall Creek School District (WI), @Joe_Sanfelippo

Brianna Hodges, Future Ready Instructional Coaches Advisor, Future Ready Schools, @bhodgesEDU

On November 19, 2019 Future Ready Schools® held a webinar on personalized professional learning. Future Ready Schools® is proud to add this topic to its ongoing professional learning opportunities for school leaders.

Future Ready school leaders model effective professional learning by offering choice and voice when leading teachers; they also empower teachers to lead throughout the process. Both are critical to promoting self-directed learning as well as inciting action and inspiring agency. Similarly, effective school leaders embed professional learning needs into the school schedule and each teacher’s day so that on-going professional learning is part of day-to-day practice, fostering conditions necessary for educators to transfer and apply new skills and strategies scaffolded by a strong system of support.

The educational environment is most effective when it is explored and experienced, driven by personal interests and readiness. In this webinar, we examined how two districts are empowering educators to grow their pedagogical craftsmanship, hone their instructional leadership, and improve student learning outcomes through personalized professional learning.

Dr. Montra Rogers and Dr. Joe Sanfelippo teamed up to discuss the trials and triumphs of transforming stale, sit-and-get professional development into uniquely personalized and appropriate professional learning opportunities for educators, regardless of the role they hold in their districts.

Underscored with a common goal of meaningful personalized professional learning, they highlighted how to:

  • create a culture of continuous learning,
  • foster capacity and shared agency, and
  • design for and be mindful of scalability and sustainability, so as to increase the efficacy of implementation

Please direct questions concerning the webinar to If you are unable to watch the webinar live, please register to receive the video archive directly in your inbox.

Future Ready Schools® is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed), a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those underperforming and those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.

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