Future Ready Librarians: Empowering Students as Creators

Future Ready Librarians:
Empowering Students as Creators

Part of the Future Ready Librarians Webinar Series

Traci Chun
, Teacher Librarian Lead, Skyview High School and Vancouver Public Schools (WA)
Diana Rendina, Media specialist, Tampa Preparatory School (FL)

Shannon McClintock Miller
, Spokesperson, Future Ready Librarians; Spokesperson, Project Connect

On June 13, 2017 Future Ready Schools® held a Webinar dealing with how school librarians can support Future Ready Schools® (FRS)? The Future Ready Librarians (FRL) program responds to this challenge by identifying specific ways librarians can lead, teach, and support personalized student learning. The FRL framework is based on research-based components used by FRS.

This webinar examined how librarians can empower students as creators. Library leaders shared how they encourage and facilitate students to become increasingly self-directed as they create digital products of their learning that engage them in critical thinking, collaboration, and authentic, real-world problem solving.

Librarians, district leaders, and all educators are invited to view this webinar to learn more about the FRL program and how Ms. Chun and Ms. Rendina are empowering students as creators.

This webinar is brought to you by FRS and Follett Project Connect.


Please direct questions concerning the webinar to alliance@all4ed.org. If you are unable to watch the webinar live, an archived version will be available here and at the FRS leadership hub one to two business days after the event airs.

Support for the FRL program is generously provided by Follett.

Future Ready Schools® (FRS) is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education, a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.

www.all4ed.org / www.futureready.org

Follow FRS on Twitter (twitter.com/FutureReady); Facebook (facebook.com/futurereadyschools); and

on the FRS leadership hub (futureready.org/hub).

Follow Future Ready Libraries Facebook group and #FutureReadyLibs on Twitter.


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