Future Ready Librarians: Investing Strategically in Digital Resources
Future Ready Schools® Invites You to Participate in a Webinar
Future Ready Librarians:
Investing Strategically in Digital Resources
Bill Bass, Library Director, Parkway Schools (MO), @billbass
Fran Glick, Coordinator, Library Media & Instructional Technology, Baltimore County Public Schools (MD), @franglick
Kim Lindskog, Library Support Specialist , Parkway Schools District (MO), @klindskog
Shannon McClintock Miller, Future Ready Librarian Spokesperson, K-12 District Teacher Librarian, Van Meter Community School (IA)
On December 11, 2018 Future Ready Schools® (FRS) held a webinar that is part the ongoing professional learning opportunities for school leaders.
In this webinar, panelists discussed how we, as Future Ready Librarians, should leverage an understanding of school and community needs to identify and invest strategically in digital resources such as eBooks, eResources, digital tools and apps, and other digital tools for our libraries and Makerspaces.
Webinar participants will gain knowledge and inspiration from these librarians and their descriptions of how they have assisted with budgets and resources within their district, throughout the country, and as leaders in the field of librarianship.
Supplemental Materials:
Future Ready Schools® (FRS) is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed), a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those underperforming and those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship. www.FutureReady.org
Follow FRS on Twitter (twitter.com/FutureReady); Facebook (facebook.com/futurereadyschools); and the FRS Leadership Hub (futureready.org/hub).
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