About the Summit
Future Ready Librarians® summits are FREE, live, virtual, interactive, high-quality professional learning experiences for librarians interested in learning, growing, and expanding their professional practice through collaboration and networking with like-minded colleagues from across the country. Recognizing the profound shifts in learning and teaching occurring in real time, these interactive online events will help librarians ground their practice in the research-based Future Ready Librarians Framework and define new ways they can lead, teach, and support learning in their schools.
Leveraging the active Future Ready Librarians community, the live summits are designed around authentic problems of practice identified by librarians. This fall, we will focus on two topics that represent new opportunities for leadership by Future Ready Librarians.
Register for one or both of these interactive virtual professional learning summits—they’re FREE!
Thinking Critically About Media and News Literacy
Saturday, October 16, 2021
During this summit, we will reflect and collaborate around the following questions:
- How has the conversation about information and media literacy evolved?
- What are current and emerging best practices for teaching media literacy?
- What roles can teacher librarians and school libraries play in leading media literacy?
Supporting SEL Through the Library
Saturday, November 20, 2021
During this summit, we will reflect and collaborate around the following questions:
- What are key considerations for students’ emotional health and wellness?
- What strategies and solutions will support social and emotional learning (SEL) for students, staff, and the community?
- How can teacher librarians lead, teach, and support SEL in the school and library?
The summits are LIVE events and will not be recorded.
Shannon Miller
Future Ready Librarian Advisor
K-12 District Teacher Librarian
Van Meter Community School District (IA)
Mark Ray
Future Ready Librarian Advisor