Future Ready Librarians®: Building Strong Partnerships with School and District Leaders
Traci Chun, Teacher Librarian, Vancouver Public Schools (WA) (@TraciChun)
Jeremy Tortora, Associate Principal and Athletic Director, Vancouver Public Schools (WA) (@MrTortoraVPS)
Mark Ray, Future Ready Librarians® Lead (@_TeacherX)
Deron Durflinger, Superintendent, Van Meter Community School District (IA) (@DeronDurflinger)
Shannon McClintock Miller, Future Ready Librarians® Spokesperson and K–12 District Teacher Librarian, Van Meter Community School District (IA) (@shannonmmiller)
Future Ready Librarians® lead beyond the library, collaborating not only with teacher colleagues, but with building and district leaders to prepare future ready learners. Creating exciting and dynamic opportunities for future ready learners requires shared leadership among librarians, instructional coaches, principals, technology leaders, and district administrators.
During this unprecedented time when students are learning from home, one of the most important partnerships is the one between librarians and administrators. During this webinar, our guests with explain how librarians and administrators can work together to benefit students and teachers and ensure continuity of learning.
Our guests will discuss
- current and future needs of students and schools during the pandemic;
- opportunities for new or sustained collaboration between librarians and administrators;
- stories and examples of partnership and collaboration; and
- strategies for effectively engaging and partnering with teachers and administrators.
Collaborative leadership is the key to success.
Please direct questions concerning the webinar to ldossin@all4ed.org. If you are unable to watch the webinar live, please register to receive the video archive directly in your inbox.
Future Ready Schools® (FRS) is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed), a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those underperforming and those historically underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship. all4ed.org
Follow FRS on Twitter (twitter.com/FutureReady) and Facebook (facebook.com/futurereadyschools) or visit our website at futureready.org. Follow Future Ready Librarians® on Facebook (facebook.com/groups/futurereadylibrarians) and Twitter (#FutureReadyLibs).