FRS Virtual Leadership Workshop – Thrive Through the Five

Join us for the Thrive Through the Five Workshop – it’s FREE, interactive, and just in time virtual professional learning for you and your team! 

These past two years, in the midst of a global pandemic, have brought about some of the most challenging work in education – whether in leading through shifting and complex information or in teaching in a multitude of ever-changing learning environments. While the work we do as teachers and leaders is incredible, it is not without cost. Dr. Jill Siler, former superintendent and author of Thrive Through the Five: Practical Truths to Powerfully Lead through Challenging Times will share strategies to not just survive difficult seasons, but to truly thrive!

Our leadership workshops are designed to meet your district’s unique needs, whether you are new to the Future Ready network or an FRS veteran looking to continue to grow with educational leaders looking to push forward!

NOTE: Due to the interactive discussion, this workshop is offered LIVE and will NOT be recorded.


Dr Jill Siler


Register today – It’s FREE!