Back to School with Future Ready Librarians®! Tips and Tricks from Experts
Back to School with Future Ready Librarians®!
Tips and Tricks from Experts
Bill Bass, Innovation Coordinator for Instructional Technology, Information and Library Media, Parkway School District (MO), and Board President, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) (@billbass)
Elissa Malespina, Verona High School Teacher Librarian, Verona School District (NJ), Future Ready Librarians® Instructor, ISTE U, and Chairperson, New Jersey Future Ready Librarians (@elissamalespina)
Nikki D Robertson, Project Coordinator of Digital Learning, Education Service Center Region 13 (TX), and Social Media Manager, Future Ready Librarians® (@NikkiDRobertson)
Shannon McClintock Miller, Future Ready Librarian Spokesperson, K–12 District Teacher Librarian, Van Meter Community School (IA) (@shannonmmiller)
Please join Future Ready Schools® (FRS) for a webinar that is part of the ongoing professional learning opportunities created for district and school leaders.
As we prepare for a brand new school year, let’s get together for a fun, informative, and engaging hour with a few experts to talk about going back to school as Future Ready Librarians®!
In this webinar, panelists shared some amazing tips and tricks that will help Future Ready Librarians®, district leaders, and other educators prepare for the best school year yet. Panelists examined how librarians can engage their communities, expand their collections, and take advantage of marketing, partnerships, and collaboration opportunities. They also shared advice on how to sustain these programs and practices throughout the school year.
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Future Ready Schools® is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed), a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those underperforming and those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.
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