Hacking Leadership

Hacking Leadership

Tom Murray
, Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools®, Alliance for Excellent Education
Joe Sanfelippo, PhD, Superintendent, Fall Creek School District (WI)

On August, 24, 2017 Future Ready Schools® (FRS) held a webinar as part of its Leadership Hub, a one-stop-shop of professional learning opportunities for school leaders.

Water is amazing and seemingly always finds a way to make an impact on the world and our life. It can conform, replenish the body, power equipment, or wipe out entire cities. Leaders have the same properties. Some end up conforming to their environment as water would with a cup or bowl. Some have the power to wipe out entire populations and others lift the level of the land. The best leaders take little openings and create space for those they lead. They find the smallest cracks of opportunity and create a path that was not there before. They shape the land. They find a way to make an impact on work they are leading.

Hacking leadership is about finding innovative solutions to issues that have plagued the system for years and implementing them tomorrow. The focus is on practical application. Problems exist, but knowledge of problems does not make daily life in schools easier. In this webinar, panelists offered tools that you and your team can use to find openings and create space for those you lead. Space to learn. Space to teach. Space to thrive.

Please direct questions concerning the webinar to alliance@all4ed.org. If you are unable to watch the webinar live, an archived version will be available in the FRS Hub shortly after the event airs.

Future Ready Schools® is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education, a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.  www.futureready.org

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