The Alliance for Excellent Education and the Center for Innovation and Education
Invite You to Attend a Webinar
How States and School District Leaders Can Assess Deeper Learning
Ellen Hume-Howard, Curriculum Director, Sanborn Regional (NH) School District
Paul Leather, Deputy Commissioner, New Hampshire State Department of Education
Winsome Waite, PhD, Vice President, Policy to Practice, Alliance for Excellent Education
Gene Wilhoit, Executive Director, Center for Innovation and Education
As state education agencies consider how their accountability systems will change under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), they are making decisions about the assessments that they will use, the content that these assessments will measure, and the rigor of the assessments. All of this can ensure a system that measures students’ college and career readiness.
In this webinar, Gene Wilhoit discussed an opportunity in ESSA to move the deeper learning agenda in assessment. He noted that there are direct references in the law about portfolios, projects, and extended learning on performance tasks that should be included in the design of assessments.
The webinar also examined New Hampshire’s Performance Assessment of Competency Education (PACE), an accountability assessment strategy that combines reduced standardized testing with locally developed common performance assessments. These are designed to support deeper learning through competency-based education, all integrated within the students’ day-to-day work. New Hampshire’s approach to assessment advances deeper learning and promotes student agency.
The Alliance for Excellent Education is a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.
Putting learners and learning at the center, the Center for Innovation and Education (CIE) strives to be a national voice to build consensus around a new, more coherent vision of education and to help state and local systems develop and act on robust theories of change. A unique part of CIE’s approach is working in cooperation with state education agencies and local districts on innovation priorities, with both policy and with practice, so that lessons learned can inform state policy and be more likely to enable real transformation.
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