Leading with a Vision: How Different, Creative, and Effective Uses of Time Support Initiatives to Provide New and Better Student Learning Experiences

Many schools across the country are rethinking the use of time within and beyond the school day. This report suggests that the addition of time or different uses of time should begin with a strong vision on behalf of schools and districts to provide new and innovative models of education to increase student engagement and improve college and career readiness.

The report considers districts and schools that reshaped their existing school days to go beyond the time-bound schedules of the past to more effectively manage students’ overall learning experiences both in and outside the classroom. It highlights how several U.S. secondary schools serving mostly students of color and low-income students increased and restructured their use of time to provide students with greater opportunities to prepare them for college and a career.

Leading with a Vision also offers several policy recommendations to ensure all districts can be more effective with the use of time, summarized here. Download the full report below.