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All4Ed’s Recommendations to the Biden-Harris Transition Team

The United States is at an educational crossroad. At no other time in history has education been as important to personal prosperity and the nation’s economic vitality. Eighty percent of good-paying jobs require postsecondary education, and 56% require a bachelor’s degree or higher. Moreover, people with a postsecondary education are far more likely to be employed during the COVID-19 recession and other economic downturns.

We must educate our way to a lasting economic recovery. However, COVID-19 has illuminated and exacerbated inequities that have made it more difficult to provide each child with an equitable and excellent education. For example, state budget deficits threaten to widen the current $2,200 gap in per-pupil spending between school districts that are predominantly white and those that are predominantly non-white. In addition, remote learning has brought into focus the need to address the Homework Gap that impacts one out of three Black, Latino, and American Indian/Alaska Native families.

The Biden-Harris Administration has the opportunity to address these and many other challenges facing students of color, children from low-income families, and other historically underserved students. All4Ed offer recommendations (download below) in the following areas for actions that can begin within the first 100 days of the administration:

  1. Equity-Focused Response to COVID-19
  2. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Implementation
  3. Transition from High School to College
  4. Protecting Students’ Civil Rights
  5. Digital Learning