Statement from Gov. Bob Wise on Nation’s Report Card
WASHINGTON, DC – Results released today from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as the Nation’s Report Card, show a decline in eighth-grade math and reading scores. In fourth grade, math scores declined while reading scores were unchanged. In response, Bob Wise, president of the Alliance for Excellent Education and former governor of West Virginia, made the following statement:
“Using a single test to determine the success or failure of education reform movements such as college- and career-ready standards is like checking only the windshield wipers during a vehicle inspection.
“The true value in the Nation’s Report Card is its status as the only national measure that permits comparisons across states and within various subgroups of students. The NAEP results will help policymakers and educators continue to understand the needs of all students and improve instruction that results in meaningful learning.
“As in past years, results show large achievement gaps between white students and African American, Hispanic, and other students of color. That, combined with the decreases in this year’s scores, shows that the nation has much more work to do on its education automobile.
“Thankfully, some upgrades have been made; all states have adopted college- and career-ready standards and many states have moved to more sophisticated tests that assess students’ critical-thinking, problem-solving, and other skills necessary for success in today’s highly competitive job market. But these upgrades need time to take hold. Additionally, the nation’s education mechanics—its teachers, leaders, and other educators—need the support, materials, and guidance to make these upgrades work for all students.”
For the latest NAEP results, visit
The Alliance for Excellent Education is a Washington, DC–based national policy and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.