New Poll Find Voters Across Party Lines Want More Career Options, More Funding for Public Schools and Oppose Eliminating the U.S. Department of Education

Contact: Enrique A. Chaurand
Phone: 816-825-1072 (cell)

Washington, D.C.– A recent national poll commissioned by All4Ed, in collaboration with Lake Research Partners and the Tarrance Group, underscores broad bipartisan support for career and technical training, as well as strong bipartisan backing for public schools. The poll also reveals that a majority of voters oppose eliminating the U.S. Department of Education and underscore the public’s desire for educational reforms that prioritize practical skills and equitable funding. The poll also oversampled voters in ten states: Alabama, California, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Oklahoma, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and West Virginia.

Key Findings:

  1. Bipartisan Support for Public Schools: Despite partisan differences, majorities of both Trump and Harris voters view public schools favorably. Additionally, 42% of Trump voters and 72% of Harris voters support increasing funding for public schools.
  2. Eliminating the Department of Education is unpopular: A majority of voters (58%) oppose eliminating the U.S. Department of Education, while only 29% support.
  3. Strong Support for Career and Technical Training: The poll reveals that 51% of respondents have a very favorable view of career and technical training, compared to 34% for public colleges and universities. This preference is particularly pronounced among Trump voters, with 54% expressing strong support for career and technical training.
  4. Education and Training Beyond High School: Thirty-five perecent of voters prefer a combination of work-based learning, college credit, career counseling, and workforce credentials. Another 24% prefer connecting students to paid on-the-job programs, and 18% prefer job training and technical skills, which also stands out for non-college men and Latino men.
  5. Federal Government Performance: Respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the federal government’s performance on various educational issues, with only one area—providing internet access and technology for students—receiving a net positive rating.
  6. Desire for More Focus on Education: A significant portion of voters (55%) felt that education issues were not adequately addressed by candidates during the recent elections.

Amy Loyd, CEO of All4Ed:
“These poll results highlight the critical need for educational reforms that prioritize career and technical education and training. At All4Ed, we are committed to ensuring that every student has access to the skills and resources they need to succeed in school and in their careers. The strong bipartisan support for public schools is a testament to the importance of equitable funding and quality education for all.”

Celinda Lake, CEO of Lake Research Partners:
“The data clearly shows a strong preference for practical, skills-based education among voters. This is a significant finding that policymakers should consider when shaping future educational initiatives. It underscores the need for a more focused approach to aligning education with job and career opportunities.”

Brian Nienaber of the Tarrance Group:
“The bipartisan support for public schools and the desire for increased funding reflect a shared commitment to improving education across the political spectrum. These insights are crucial for understanding voter priorities and guiding effective policy decisions.”

These findings are the first in a series of data sets that All4Ed will be releasing over the next few weeks.
Other topics in the poll focused on areas such as:

  • Voter attitudes on vouchers 
  • The cost and role of higher education
  • The role of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in education
  • Voter sentiments on what safe and welcoming schools means
  • The science of learning and innovation in education

About the Poll:
The All4Ed national poll was conducted October 30 – November 5, 2024, by Lake Research Partners and The Tarrance Group and surveyed a representative sample of 1,000actual voters with additional samples of 100 Black voters, 100 Latinx voters, 100 Asian American voters, and 100 Indigenous registered voters; 100 voters aged 18-24; 200 voters in each AL, LA, ME, MI, OK, VA, WA, WI, and WV; 600 voters in CA; 200 business leaders nationwide and 200 educators nationwide.

For more information about the poll results and All4Ed’s initiatives, please visit

All4Ed is a national nonprofit advocacy organization committed to expanding equitable educational opportunities for students of color, students from low-income families, and other marginalized groups. We advance transformation from the classroom to Congress by advocating for federal, state, and local policies and practices that ensure all students graduate high school prepared for college, work, and life.