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All4Ed President Deb Delisle Comments on Proposed Federal Legislation to Reduce Remedial Coursework in Higher Education

WASHINGTON, DC— Today, U.S. Senators Doug Jones (D-AL), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) introduced the Promoting Readiness in Education to Prevent Additional Remediation and Expense (PREPARE) Act to reduce the need for students to take remedial courses in college. Remedial courses, which focus on high school-level material, cost the same as credit-bearing courses, but do not count toward a student’s degree. In response, Deb Delisle, president and CEO of the Alliance for Excellent Education, made the following comment.

“Remedial courses are more likely to lead to disappointment and debt than they are to degrees.

“By aligning high school education with postsecondary expectations while also promoting activities that improve high school education, the PREPARE Act is an effective solution to ending a practice that cuts short the dreams of so many college students, especially those who are historically underserved.

“I applaud Senators Jones, Klobuchar, and Hassan for introducing this bill and I urge Congress to incorporate it into the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act.”

For more information on the PREPARE Act, read this PREPARE Act Summary.

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The Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed) is a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization committed to improving educational outcomes—and lives—of students, with a focus on those in middle and high school. We embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion and specifically advocate on behalf of all students who are historically underserved or marginalized.