All4Ed Flash: Voter Voices on Education
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In today’s special episode of the All4Ed Flash, we delve into “Voter Voices on Education” with insights from pollster Celinda Lake, President of Lake Research Partners and All4Ed CEO Dr. Amy Loyd.
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Hello and welcome to a special episode of the All4Ed Flash! I’m your host, Enrique Chaurand.
In today’s special episode, we delve into ‘Voter Voices on Education’ with insights from pollster Celinda Lake, President of Lake Research Partners and All4Ed CEO Dr. Amy Loyd.”
Thank you both for being here today for this important discussion!
Before we dive into our discussion, I’d like to give our viewers some background on each of our guests.
Celinda Lake is one of the nation’s foremost experts on political polling and strategic research. As the President of Lake Research Partners, she has provided invaluable insights into voter attitudes and behaviors for decades. Her work has helped shape public policy and political strategy at the highest levels, and we’re eager to hear her latest findings on education issues.
Dr. Loyd, who has recently joined All4Ed as our new CEO, brings a wealth of experience to the role, having most recently served as the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education at the U.S. Department of Education under President Biden. In her past roles, both as Vice President at Jobs for the Future and as Director of Education at Cook Inlet Tribal Council, she demonstrated a steadfast dedication to providing students of all ages, backgrounds, and career stages with equitable opportunities to acquire new skills and secure good-paying jobs.
As we approach the 2024 presidential election, understanding voter attitudes towards education is more important than ever. Education is a critical issue that impacts every community across the country, and voters’ opinions can significantly influence policy decisions and election outcomes.
Today, we are going to delve into the latest voter attitudes on education issues, exploring what matters most to the public and how these insights can shape our educational policies and practices.
Thank you both for joining us today. What do you say we get started?
Questions for the Panelists
- To Celinda Lake:
“Celinda, I’d like to begin our conversation with you. Earlier this year you did some focus groups around Career Pathways. While anecdotal, it would be great if you could highlight for our audience some of the findings from these focus groups, specifically what you heard around career pathways and the popularity of dual enrollment programs.
- To Amy Loyd:
“Amy, from your perspective, how do these findings align with the current challenges and opportunities in the education sector?”
- To Celinda Lake:
“What specific education issues are voters most concerned about? How do these concerns differ among people of different races and ethnicities, and among people with different levels of education?”
- To Amy Loyd:
“How can policymakers and educators use this data to better address the needs and priorities of students and families?”
- To Celinda Lake:
“Were there any surprising or unexpected trends in the data that you think educators and policymakers should pay particular attention to?”
- To Celinda Lake:
“The 2024 election is likely to go down in history as one of the most contentious elections in American history. Where are there opportunities for bipartisan action on education?
- To Amy Loyd:
“In light of these insights, what initiatives or strategies is All4Ed focusing on to support schools and educators?”
- To Both:
“Looking ahead, how do you see voter attitudes towards education evolving, and what steps can we take to ensure that education remains a top priority for our communities and leaders?”
Thank you, Celinda and Amy, for sharing your invaluable insights on voter attitudes towards education.
It’s clear that understanding these perspectives is crucial as we navigate the evolving landscape of education policy.
To our listeners, we hope you found today’s discussion enlightening and thought-provoking.
As we approach the 2024 presidential election, it’s more important than ever to stay informed and engaged with the issues that impact our schools and communities.
Remember, your voice matters. Whether it’s through voting, participating in local school board meetings, or advocating for policies that support equitable education, every action counts.
Thank you for tuning in to this special episode of the All4Ed Flash.
Be sure to follow us on your preferred podcast platform and social media for more updates and discussions on education policy. You can also find us on Linktree at All4Ed.