STEP 2: Future Ready Dot Voting


The Future Ready Learner Design Process utilizes human-centered design to provide a highly creative, people-oriented approach to solving relevant problems and developing action-oriented solutions within a school or district.

In Step 2: Dot Voting, you will work first as an individual and then as a team to reach a consensus about the essentials.

Objective: Conduct a vote to reach a consensus about the essentials as individuals and then as a team.


  • Distribute the completed radar diagram from Step 1 (per group).
  • Use the FRS Design Process Workshop template, slides 17 to 23, to explain dot voting.
  • Set out dot stickers or markers (3 to 5 dots per person) and one large piece of chart paper at each table.

The Work

Vote on the essential elements

1. Ask team members to reflect individually all of postings from Step 1: Radar Diagramming. (2–3 minutes)

2. Pass out three to five stickers (same color) to each person (or use a marker). Ask team members to place votes on the essentials (or cluster of essentials) in the radar diagram that are most deserving of the group’s attention. Make sure everyone has decided where they want to place their votes within the radar diagram. (2–5 minutes)

Note: This can be done as a large group on various radar diagrams or per each radar diagram, depending on which the facilitator feels will be most valuable. Encourage team members to think independently regarding choices.

3. Select three to five essentials (or clusters) that received the most votes from the team. Facilitate discussion on why people voted for these three to five essentials. (10 minutes)

“I see this [X] cluster received a large number of votes. Who voted for this cluster? Why?”

Note: If you have more than one group and are looking to have one end product of three to five essentials for all the groups combined, have the groups rotate to the right, spending 1 minute per radar diagram for a gallery walk (start the first observation with their own radar diagram). Groups should rotate until they return to their original radar diagram. (1 minute per radar diagram)

4. Write the top three to five essentials on a blank chart paper or whiteboard. These essentials will serve as a foundation for
Step 3: Future Ready Learner Showcase. A group may elect to choose only three essentials if there are time constraints. (2 minutes)

Consider: Have each group share progress from steps one and two (gallery walk, partner groups).

STEP 2: 16 to 22 minutes (total time)

Ready to move to Step 3?

Way to go! It’s time to move to Step 3: Showcase Your Customized Future Ready Learner.

STEP 3: showcase Your Customized Future Ready Learner

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