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Preventing Analysis Paralysis: Practical Ways to Share Student Success

Event Details

August 10, 2022
2:00-2:45 PM

K12 schools and districts are drowning in data. Coupled with a lack of robust solutions that make it efficient to discover, provision, and secure data, school and district leaders are often left with an “analysis paralysis.” With access to resources, community accountability, and ultimately student success on the line, K12 stakeholders need concrete mechanisms to turn insights into action, surfacing both successes and areas of needed intervention.

During the webinar, guests highlight practical ways in which districts can provide timely, accurate, and relevant data to support decision-making at all levels in an efficient and equitable manner to promote student success. When effectively operationalized, such systems of support can benefit both internal stakeholders and the school community as a whole.

Guests shared:




A special thanks for AWS for supporting this event.