Future Ready Schools®: Raising Readers to Leaders, One Page at a Time

Future Ready Schools® Invites You to a Participate in a Webinar

Future Ready Schools®: Raising Readers to Leaders, One Page at a Time

Phil Harding
, Technology Integration Specialist, Val Verde Unified School District (CA) (VVUSD) (@pharding2)
Michael R. McCormick, Superintendent, VVUSD (@ValVerdeSupt)
Greg McWhorter, Technology Integration Specialist, VVUSD (@gmcwhortervvusd)
Garrick Owen, Coordinator of State and Federal Programs, VVUSD (@garrickCowen)

Tom Murray
, Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools®, Alliance for Excellent Education

On May 31, 2018 Future Ready Schools® (FRS) held a webinar as part of its Leadership Hub, a one-stop-shop of professional learning opportunities for school leaders.

California’s Val Verde Unified School District (VVUSD) created a vision that ensures all students are treated with equity and to access regarding all aspects of their learning experiences. VVUSD believes in the infusion of technology into learning through hands-on application to help their students achieve college and career readiness. The teachers act as coaches who guide classroom learning and use authentic projects and personalized learning experiences that tie in with real-life challenges. The students demonstrate twenty-first-century skills—collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity—while forming approaches that employ a growth mindset and the tenacity to persevere.

In this webinar, members of the VVUSD leadership team shared how they used the five-step FRS planning process to create their district’s FRS action plan. They described the process used during their two years of intense planning and collaboration with various departments within the district, along with input from parent groups. Through this systematic research-based process, they created a dynamic plan that puts their students first and provides them with opportunities to acquire twenty-first-century career skills that will carry them into the future.

Watch FRS and leaders from VVUSD for a real-life example of how to use the FRS five-step planning process in order to maximize student-centered learning opportunities and leverage technology to prepare students for success in college, a career, and citizenship.

Panelists also addressed questions submitted by online viewers.

Please direct questions concerning the webinar to ldossin@all4ed.org. If you are unable to watch the webinar live, please register to receive the video archive directly in your inbox.

Future Ready Schools® is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed), a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those underperforming and those traditionally underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.


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