Future Ready Librarians® Webinar – Being Prepared for Selection Policy Concerns

This webinar will help you understand strategies for being prepared in case of a book challenge, including preparing policies, planning ahead, communicating and practicing scenarios.

During the webinar the guests will discuss:

  1. What is the impact of the current environment on library selection policies and programming?
  2. What do you need to do to be prepared?
  3. How can communication be improved?
  4. Who are important stakeholders?


  • Becky Calzada, library coordinator, Leander ISD (TX)
  • Carolyn Foote, Retired district librarian, Consultant, #FReadom fighter and White House Champion of Change, Austin, (TX)


  • Shannon McClintock Miller, Future Ready Librarians Spokesperson, K-12 District Teacher Librarian, Van Meter Community School (IA) (@shannonmmiller)

The Future Ready Librarian strand is supported by Follett.