Future Ready Librarians® Summit- Taking Control of Your Collections

Know Your Library: Proactive Collection Development

The Future Ready Librarians® summits are FREE, live, virtual, high-quality professional learning experiences for librarians interested in learning, growing, and expanding their professional practice through collaboration and networking with like-minded colleagues from across the country. These interactive online events will help librarians ground their practice in the research-based Future Ready Schools® framework and define new ways they can lead, teach, and support learning in their schools.

Leveraging the active Future Ready Librarians community, the live summits are designed around authentic problems of practice identified by librarians. The first virtual summits of 2022 will help you understand policies and know your collection so that you are ready to respond effectively when patrons or community members have concerns with library books or instructional materials. 

Beyond knowing local policies, procedures, and partners, librarians need to know what is on their shelves—is your library collection reflective of current generations and your community or a throwback to another century? While you cannot predict the concerns of parents or your community, at least you can know and own your collection if those concerns emerge. Key questions include:

  • How do I know what is on my shelves and taught in my school’s classrooms?
  • How is my library collection responsive to the needs and interests of my school’s students?
  • What can I do to understand and connect with parents and my community?

NOTE: Due to the interactive discussion, this workshop is offered LIVE and will NOT be recorded.


Shannon McClintock Miller

Future Ready Librarians®Spokesperson, Preschool–12 District Teacher Librarian and Innovation Director, Van Meter Community School (IA))

MArk Ray

Future Ready Librarians® Advisor

Register today – It’s FREE!

FRL Summit – Building a Materials Challenge Toolkit: Understanding Library Policies, Procedures, and Protocols

Saturday, February 26, 2022
11:00 am -1:00 pm ET