Connecting Your Practice to the Future Ready Librarians Framework
The Future Ready Librarians® Summit is a FREE, live, virtual, interactive, high-quality professional learning experience for librarians interested in learning, growing, and expanding their professional practice through collaboration and networking with like-minded colleagues from across the country.
This interactive online event will help librarians ground their practice in the research-based Future Ready Librarians® Framework and define new ways in which they can lead, teach, and support learning in their schools. Leveraging the active Future Ready Librarians® community, the live summit is designed around authentic problems of practice identified by librarians.
Whether the FRL Framework is familiar or new to you, this interactive workshop will explore this resource to help you understand what it means to be a Future Ready Librarian in your school and district.
During this summit we will connect your practice to the Future Ready Framework and focus on:
- What is the Future Ready Librarians Framework and why does it matter?
- How to unlock new ways to lead, teach, and support learning in your school.
- Ways to collaborate and network with librarians nationwide.
Whether you’re new to the Future Ready Librarians® Framework or a seasoned pro, this summit will equip you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in your school and district as a Future Ready Librarian.
Don’t miss this opportunity to grow as a librarian, connect with a vibrant community, and make an impact at your schools!
NOTE: Due to the interactive discussion, this workshop is offered LIVE and will NOT be recorded.
Register today to connect with the Future Ready Librarian Framework.
Shannon McClintock Miller
Future Ready Librarians®Spokesperson, Preschool–12 District Teacher Librarian and Innovation Director, Van Meter Community School (IA))
MArk Ray
Future Ready Librarians® Advisor
Register today – It’s FREE!
Mastering the FRL Framework: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessmentations and Partnerships
Saturday, October 23, 2023
11:00 am -1:00 pm ET
The Future Ready Librarians strand is supported by Follett.