FRS Leadership Forum in Atlanta
Creating A Culture Of Excellence and Innovation
The Future Ready Schools® (FRS) Leadership Forum is a one-day personalized professional learning event designed to help innovative educators (district leaders, principals, instructional leaders/coaches, librarians) learn how to lead and support a culture of excellence and innovation in their school/district.
Join like-minded education leaders to learn and grow through an interactive professional learning agenda that will spark ideas and actions for weaving digital innovation into practice.

Kennesaw – KSU Center
3333 Busbee Drive, #330
Kennesaw, Georgia 3014

During the forum, participants will:
Who should attend?
8:30 a.m. Registration (Coffee and Continental Breakfast)
9:00 a.m. Welcome and Overview of the Day
9:15 a.m. Keynote (TBD)
10:00 a.m. Break
10:10 a.m. Understanding What Works
11:15 a.m. Research in Action: Digital Literacy and Equity of Access
- Lara Paparo, EdD, Associate Director, Penn Literacy Network, Penn GSE
12:15 p.m. Student Voice Panel (Lunch)
1:00 p.m. Interactive Sharing and Networking
1:20 p.m. Digital Leadership Success and Roadblocks
2:00 p.m. Making a Plan
2:45 p.m. Be Inspired: Leading and Collaborating To Ensure Success for All Students
3:00 p.m. You Are NOT Alone: Resources and Support
3:30 p.m. Adjourn
Online registration is closed. If you would like to join us please email Lia Dossin,

Shannon McClintock Miller
Future Ready Librarian Spokesperson and District Teacher Librarian, Van Meter Community School (IA)

Bill Bass
Innovation Coordinator, Instructional Technology, Information, and Library Media, Parkway Schools (MO)

Adam Phyall, III, EdD
Future Ready Advisor and Director of Technology and Media Services, Newton County School System (GA)
Can’t join us in Atlanta? Don’t worry…
There will be two additional forums. Locations will be announced soon.
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