Creating Inclusive Leadership Cultures for Technology Leaders
Future Ready Leaders nurture and cultivate collaborative and inclusive cultures to ensure leaders at all levels, including stakeholders, are empowered to innovate. They hold themselves to high expectations, demonstrating the flexibility, agility, and adaptability necessary to support, inspire, and assure an inclusive and dynamic team. Future Ready Leaders are responsible to recruit and garner stakeholder support, creating reciprocal and fluid partnerships steeped in trust and value.
During the webinar, our guests shared how they are implementing strategies that support a collaborative culture across their schools and districts. They discussed:
- Managing challenges and solutions for anytime/anywhere learning
- Recruiting and retaining high-quality diverse staff members
- Supporting women in tech leadership roles
- Ensuring equity and inclusion for students and staff members
- Karen Fuller, Director of Network Infrastructure and Communications, Cypress-Fairbanks ISD (TX)
- Shonte Eldridge, Executive Government Advisor, Amazon Web Services
- Andrew Wallace, Director of Technology, South Portland Maine Schools (ME) (@andrewtwallace)
- Carl Hooker, Faculty, Future Ready Schools (@mrhooker)
For questions about the webinar, contact Lia Dossin.
A special thanks for AWS for supporting this event.