Jeremy Wood, Senior Network Engineer, Newburgh Enlarged City School District, NY
Kyle Pace, Director of Technology, Grain Valley Public Schools, MO
Eujon Anderson, Technology Director, Troy City Schools, AB
Amy Storer, Instructional Coach, Montgomery ISD, TX
Brianna Hodges, Future Ready Instructional Coaches Advisor, Future Ready Schools®, @bhodgesEDU
Now more than ever instructional coaches and tech leaders are collaborating to provide leadership and support to teachers and students learning from home. These Future Ready leaders share a belief all students deserve equitable access to high quality digital resources, and innovative learning environments. Working together, they are able to collaborate, assess, rethink, and redesign traditional learning to support remote learning.
In this webinar, our guests will share their stories on how their collaborative partnerships are supporting teachers, students and the community through these unprecedented times. They will share successes and challenges as they quickly shifted instruction from a traditional school building to home. Also, they will discuss how they are planning for the start of the new school year with the possibilities of continued social distancing requirements.
Panelists will share:
- Detail how their districts redesigned traditional learning to support remote learning, literally overnight.
- Discuss how collaborative efforts help to support students, teachers and the community.
- Describe challenges experienced during remote learning.
- Share successes of remote learning.
- Reimagine the future of a traditional school experience.
Please direct questions concerning the webinar to If you are unable to watch the webinar live, please register to receive the video archive directly in your inbox.
Future Ready Schools® is a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education (All4Ed), a Washington, DC–based national policy, practice, and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all students, particularly those underperforming and those historically underserved, graduate from high school ready for success in college, work, and citizenship.
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