FRS Virtual Leadership Workshop – Changing the Narrative: Leading a Culture Committed to DEI

Join us for the Changing the Narrative: Leading A Culture Committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop – it’s FREE, interactive, and just in time virtual professional learning for you and your team! 

Our leadership workshops are designed to meet your district’s unique needs, whether you are new to the Future Ready network or an FRS veteran looking to continue to grow with educational leaders looking to push forward!

High-profile police killings of Black people, the explosion of anti-Asian hate incidents during the COVID-19 pandemic, and rising anti-immigrant sentiments have all contributed to the creation of a politically divided and volatile country in recent years. How can educators begin to address these issues and find new, more socially just ways to move forward together? Future Ready Advisor and Principal of the Year, Dr. Henry Turner, suggests that facing racism head-on in elementary and secondary schools and teaching leaders, teachers, and students to talk and think about race critically is an essential first step.

With over 20 years of leading diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives as a high school teacher-leader and high school principal in a large high school, Dr. Turner has developed a hands-on guide designed to help school leaders create an antiracist culture in their schools. Based on a framework of Learn, Reflect, Act, Assess, and full of tips, questions, guides, and resources, this workshop will challenge school leaders to develop an antiracist mindset and show them the practical steps to building a culture within their broader school community that is committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion so that they can serve all students.

Each of our professional learning events are designed to support the Future Ready network in creating policies, procedures, and practices that empower school and district leaders to transform teaching and learning in their school and/or district. These virtual events are designed to be interactive and high-energy. You won’t experience the “death by Powerpoint” session, but will discuss, share, and collaborate around areas of concerns and challenges that educators are navigating – right now.

NOTE: Due to the interactive discussion, this workshop is offered LIVE and will NOT be recorded.


Dr Henry Turner

Principal, Newton Public Schools (MA)

Register today – It’s FREE!