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Addressing Systemic Trauma

Event Details

November 3, 2021
12:00-2:00 PM

Do you leave work every night exhausted from putting out fires all day long? Are you frustrated because you find yourself dealing with the same issues time and time again? Do you find yourself hesitating and blaming others or the system because you are not getting the results you hoped to get? In this session, Future Ready Faculty member Jimmy Casas, a twenty two-year veteran principal and best-selling author of Culturize: Every Student. Every Day. Whatever It Takes., will team up with Future Ready’s Thomas C. Murray, to break down the critical truths school and district leaders need to know, as well as a look at many of the systemic issues that are affecting school campuses today. Jimmy will provide a more effective framework that will allow you to get back the necessary time to work on the things that matter most and help elevate your school/district to the next level, even while leading through adversity and change.

During this workshop, you will have the opportunity to work with educators from across the country to collaborate and build networks of like-minded colleagues, generate feedback on practices, share ideas and experiences around creating a culture of leadership.

We will

Join us to learn, network, and collaborate with like-minded districts from across the country.


Thomas C. Murray

Director of Innovation
Future Ready Schools

Jimmy Casas

Future Ready Faculty
Future Ready Schools

Who Should Attend?

All superintendents; assistant superintendent; executive cabinet; school board members; school-based ed tech leaders or instructional coaches; teachers; principals; librarians/media specialists; directors of professional learning; directors of curriculum, instruction, and assessment; directors of education technology; and chief information officers.