2nd Annual Digital Learning App Smash for Future Ready Librarians®
During this 2nd annual fast-paced and fun event, twenty Future Ready Librarians shared twenty digital tools and how they use them with their students to create amazing experiences in face-to-face, virtual and blended learning.
Each presenter shared a digital tool and outlined how it is used and how it supports us as Future Ready Librarians.
- Shannon McClintock Miller, Future Ready Librarians®Spokesperson, Preschool–12 District Teacher Librarian and Innovation Director, Van Meter Community School (IA)(@shannonmmiller) (moderator)
- Kristina Holzweiss, Librarian, Syosset (NY) @lieberrian
- Amy Baker, Librarian, Blue Springs RIV (MO) @amybake76
- Teresa Harper, Teacher Librarian, Denver Public Schools (CO) @tlharper
- Joyce Valenza, Associate Professor, Rutgers University (PA) @joycevalenza
- Mary Barlow, Student in MI program with concentration in School libraries (NJ)
- Sharon Layburn, School Media Specialist, New Hyde Park-Garden City Park (NY) @sharonlayburn
- Stacia Wagers, Library Media Specialist, Parkway School Dist. (MO) @staciammw
- Erin Wallace, Librarian/School Technology Lead, Jefferson county Public Schools (KY) @LibraryDunn
- Celia Taylou, Media Specialist, Broward (FL) @cstaylor1802
- Jennifer Adams, Library Media Specialist, JCPS (KY) @HartsternLMS
- Andrea Trudeau, Library Information Specialist, Deerfield District 109 (IL) @Andrea_Trudeau
- Natalie Hartmann, Librarian, New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD (NY) @mshartmann
- Kira Brennan, Innovation and Library Systems Support Specialist, Parkway School District (MO) @mrskirabrennan
- Linda Kerssens, Librarian and Media Specialist, CISVA Independent Schools of British Columbia (Canada) Instagram: CarneyLibrary
- Dina D’Amore, Teacher-Librarian, Killeen ISD (TX) @DinaDAmore3
- Melanie LeJeune, Library Media Specialist, Diocese of Lake Charles (LA) @maclejeune
- Cindy Hundley, Library Media Specialist, Jefferson County Public Schools (KY) @cindy_hundley
- Amanda Jones Teacher-Librarian, Livingston Parish Public Schools (LA) @abmack33
For questions about the webinar, contact Lia Dossin.

The Future Ready Librarian strand is generously supported by Follett.