State Policy Center: Building and Sustaining Data Collection and Transparency as Strong Fiscal Stewards of Taxpayer Spending

Regardless of the current status of your state’s college and career pathways, data is critical to develop, sustain, and refine a system that truly works for students.

While many states have methods of collecting data on education, often this data is siloed (for example, early learning under one data system, k-12 under another, and higher education and career under their own systems), not publicly available, hard to access, challenging to understand, and sometimes incomplete. To understand whether policies are serving students as intended, we need data that tracks students across the education spectrum and into their career paths. We also require access to data broken down by gender, race, ethnicity, English learner status, disability status, and geographic location. This data provides lawmakers with means to enact policies where they are most needed and to serve as good fiscal stewards, empowering them with the information needed to improve policies that are not having the intended impact for students and practitioners.

These model policies provide a starting point for policymakers to strengthen state data collection in critical education programs, including through the creation of a longitudinal data system to collect data from early education through career.

Model PolicIES:

GOOD FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP: Education Program Transparency and Oversight Bill

Creating disaggregated data collection systems that provide detailed insights on program performance for lawmakers, educators, and families.

Click HERE to download

CLEAN, COMPREHENSIVE DATA: Building Longitudinal Data Systems from Early Education to Career

Building collaborative data systems that allow insight on students from early childhood education through to their eventual career.

Click HERE to download

Testimony of All4Ed Director of State Government Relations Jenn Ellis, in support of data collection and transparency bill, SB 52, in the Georgia Senate Committee on Higher Education.

Supporting Documents

Interview with Georgia State Senator Elena Parent

All4Ed interviewed the Senator about her work in education policy, including her support for data transparency for Georgia’s dual enrollment program, and her continued bipartisan work to move legislation in the Georgia Senate.

Click HERE to read interview transcript.

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