A Conversation About Future Ready
District: Affton School District, Missouri
School Leader: Dr. Robert Dillon
Position: Director of Technology and Innovation
Twitter: @ideaguy42
The St. Louis Future Ready Summit
The conversation has started.
This may be the most important statement that can come from any professional development opportunity that we provide. Change takes time and shifting culture often takes even longer, but conversation can always start tomorrow.
The St. Louis Future Ready Summit sparked conversation among and between school districts from seven states, and it has been incredible to see those conversations continue. The isolation that can come in district and building level leadership can cripple an organization and inhibit innovation and growth, but having opportunities for trapped wisdom to be released in the system can begin to mitigate this isolation and its resulting stagnation.
It is clear from the conversations that continue that there is a desire, among the Future Ready leaders in Saint Louis and those from beyond Saint Louis that attended the conference, for change to happen more quickly; for greater integration between their systems in areas of curriculum, learning, and technology; and for more communication between districts. In addition, there is a recognition that major shifts are happening to the foundations of education, and it is essential for our communities to be proactive instead of reactive to the things being thrown our direction.
Finally, the Future Ready work has enhanced the ecosystem of Saint Louis. Educators, lead learners, and designs of change are all thinking together with an eye for what is best for kids. These healthy conversations are necessary for the success that we all seek, need, and dream about for all schools!