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Unlock the Power of Social-Emotional Learning: Fostering Student Growth and Well-Being

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SEL provides students with necessary skills and attitudes to overcome challenges, form positive relationships, and excel both academically and socially. In today’s rapidly evolving and interconnected landscape, nurturing Social Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies for middle school students has become indispensable. Melody Hawkins, a Secondary Administrator from Knox County Schools in Tennessee, will share her expertise and experiences in implementing SEL practices at the secondary level. Her commitment to SEL has fostered a positive school culture and empowered students to excel in academics and emotional well-being.

During the webinar, we discussed:

Educators learned practical strategies for efficiently introducing and maintaining Social Emotional Learning practices in various school contexts at the secondary level.


 Melody Hawkins, Secondary Administrator & SEL Advocate, Knox County Schools (TN), @mhawkinsEDU


Thomas C. Murray, Director of Innovation, Future Ready Schools (DC), @thomascmurray

This webinar is supported by our partners at National University.

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