FRS Leadership Forum in Killington, VT
Creating A Culture Of Excellence and Innovation
The Future Ready Schools® and Vita-Learn’s Vermont Fest Conference are joining together to offer the (FRS) Leadership Forum as a pre-conference workshop on November 1, 2023. This one-day personalized professional learning event is designed to help innovative educators (district leaders, principals, instructional leaders/coaches, librarians) learn how to lead and support a culture of excellence and innovation in their school/district.
Join like-minded education leaders to learn and grow through an interactive professional learning agenda that will spark ideas and actions for weaving digital innovation into practice.

Killington Grand Hotel

During the forum, participants will:
Who should attend?
Registration (Coffee and Continental Breakfast)
Welcome and Overview of the Day
Defining Innovation & Five Conditions of Innovation
Panel: Digital Leadership & Innovation
Research in Action: Digital Literacy and Equity of Access
Understanding What Works
Lunch (Network and Connect)
Digital Leadership Resources
Student Panel -Digital Learning in Action
Designing a “Portrait of an Innovator”
Making it Happen

Shannon McClintock Miller
Future Ready Librarian Spokesperson and District Teacher Librarian, Van Meter Community School (IA)

Bill Bass
Innovation Coordinator, Instructional Technology, Information, and Library Media, Parkway Schools (MO)

Adam Phyall, III, EdD
Future Ready Advisor and Director of Technology and Media Services, Newton County School System (GA)
This Forum is a Pre-Conference session at Vita-Learn’s Vermont Fest. There is a fee of $59 to attend (Including lunch).
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